So long as there's no real intention for 5 to actually mean 5 or 1 to actually mean 1, I think we can address this problem as adults and learn lessons, then do the right thing. Or do the right thing and then learn lessons.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
The Trolley Problem
by Simon inso you've probably heard of the ethical dilemma question which is a thought-experiment where you imagine there is a runaway train-trolley, a junction with a lever that you can pull and two tracks - one with 5 workers on it and another with just 1, but no way to warn them.. all you can do is pull the lever, or not, thus allowing 5 people to die or through your direct action sacrificing 1 to save them.. what should you do?.
this sort of thing may seem silly but it comes up in real life.
should a self-driving car for instance, faced with a certain collision, chose which pedestrians to run over?
Anyone notice how when some of us older ones were in the cult.......
by mickbobcat inwhen i was a kid in the late sixties the type of books we would study was very intense compared to the bull shit pablum that they put out today?
i mean the finished mystery and others now its these stupid books that don't dive deep into the beliefs.
Anna Marina
JeffT and Smiddy
Yes I notice WT is very civil rights anti-war. A good thing on the surface appealing to those concerned about others and not killing but it is as if they are set up like a net to catch anyone, motivated by stuff seen on the news to fall into their net.
Then you have a Bible study which appears compelling but is full of semantic traps you are incapable of discerning at that point.
Two media orgs working together? Secular one highlights the problems? Non-secular says 'come to us'. Maybe?
Are We Now Living in a POST-Science world (at least politically?)
by Terry inif your sex is only what you say it is, without any reference to biological reality, .
your race can be only what you say it is, without any reference to biological reality.. .
is this repudiation of science?
Anna Marina
Um.... I know you've heard it all before but...
(2 Timothy 3:1-5) . . .But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
I think we are living in a post world. A world where everything gets posted.
Anyone notice how when some of us older ones were in the cult.......
by mickbobcat inwhen i was a kid in the late sixties the type of books we would study was very intense compared to the bull shit pablum that they put out today?
i mean the finished mystery and others now its these stupid books that don't dive deep into the beliefs.
Anna Marina
I think they write their lit like this.
1) One small excellent point.
2) Half a ton of waffly rubbish.
3) One small point that flatly contradicts the excellent point they made 43 pages, 9 magazines and 3 talks ago that everyone has now forgotten.
Who is best at silencing the competition?
by Anna Marina inwt media covers over child abuse and they like to silence those who expose their lies.. silicone valley has it's own agenda too and they want to silence the competition.
seems freedom of speech is fine so long as you agree with the people who run silicone valley.
and if you dare to say 'love your neighbour as yourself' you must allow those in charge of silicone valley to define the words.
Anna Marina
Hilarious thing Reddit users did on Tuesday to a hedgefund called Melvin Capital
Melvin took out a loan to bet on the price of a stock going down.He was shorting a company called GameStop (GME).
So Reddit users pushed the price up and up and up.
Now Melvin has to pay up.
He liquidates his assets but it isn't enough.
He declares bankrupcy.
The bank he got the load from is on the hook for his bad decisions. If they can't pay it back, because the Reddit users keep driving the price up, they go bankrupt.
Then the bigger bank will be on the hook and so and so forth all the way up to the fed.
The federal government of the United States may literally have to print money to buy GameStop back from a bunch of Reddit users.
The powers that be are not happy. This is what one headline is saying
Wall Street traders are currently raging, as online "degenerates" successfully execute a massive short squeeze of GameStop, forcing hedgefunds to be bailed out for billions of dollars
Child abuse - Film Producer speaks out - Love will win
by Anna Marina in
the speaker is the producer of “hunger games”.
he is talking about elite pedophiles in hollywood and beyond.
Anna Marina
Hi Smiddy
I didn't have a problem with the audibliity. So I don't know what tech problem that is.
But my point is, WT is media, Hollywood is media. There are distinct similarities in how they communicate - he explains about old ideas getting put out over and over again.
With WT when you go to KH you expect to learn something but after a point all you get is endless repetition. One brother described it to me as - "you go dressed up, expecting a banquet and all you get is endless beans on toast. After a while you end up realising someone is having a laugh."
What he's saying is that those who run Hollywood and other powerful people don't want others to start thinking. Hollywood does things their way and some horrendous abuse of children takes place. They want to keep it quite.
There are other points I could bring out but I'll keep it simple and leave it there. If you find the video of value, glad to have helped you find it. If not, well you don't.
I put the Bible verses in becuase he doesn't - he advocates certain techniques. Glad he's been helped but there is a superior way. And this superior way found in the Bible has nothing to do with the Watchtower but everything to do with Jesus Christ.
Child abuse - Film Producer speaks out - Love will win
by Anna Marina in
the speaker is the producer of “hunger games”.
he is talking about elite pedophiles in hollywood and beyond.
Anna Marina
The speaker is the producer of “Hunger Games”. He is talking about elite pedophiles in Hollywood and beyond.
He speaks about re-treading old ideas - I thought how very like meetings a KH when they keep repeating the same thing to stop the publishers thinking.
He talks about love and how we all need to be loved.
He doesn't mention the scriptures but I'll put them in.
(1 John 4:16) God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him
He urges people to take time to be kind to children and describes it as making a deposit in a bank.
(Matthew 6:19-21) . . .“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(James 1:27) . . .The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.
Who is best at silencing the competition?
by Anna Marina inwt media covers over child abuse and they like to silence those who expose their lies.. silicone valley has it's own agenda too and they want to silence the competition.
seems freedom of speech is fine so long as you agree with the people who run silicone valley.
and if you dare to say 'love your neighbour as yourself' you must allow those in charge of silicone valley to define the words.
Anna Marina
WT media covers over child abuse and they like to silence those who expose their lies.
Silicone Valley has it's own agenda too and they want to silence the competition.
Seems freedom of speech is fine so long as you agree with the people who run Silicone Valley. And if you dare to say 'love your neighbour as yourself' you must allow those in charge of Silicone Valley to define the words. Not Jesus Christ.
Do you remember when social media was frowned on in the congregations. Then there was a sudden change of mind and we were all encouraged to start using out tablets and mobile devices. Wonder what changed? Did the WT media company suddenly realise this was an easy way to deplatform/silence those opposed to it?
Steve Hassan - politics as a cult
by Anna Marina insee this video at 2:58. sanity4sweden explains that 'cult expert' steve hassan was on cnn giving advice on how to deprogram trump supporters..
so this must be political correctness on steroids.. i have occasionally heard the name steve hassan mentioned in relation to the watchtower.
but even watchtower helps people to escape cults.
Anna Marina
Vidiot - the Illuminati are the policital side of an organisation (or movement) associated with a man called Mazzini. Mazzini initiated a woman called Blavatsky into Carbonarism. Blavatsky came to lead the religion called Theo Sufism.
Theo Sufism was to take over religion
Illuminati to take over politics
A religious side and a secular side to Mazzini's plan. Incidentally Mazzini also set up the Mafia.
All or most of Watchtower's false doctrines can be traced back to Theo Sufism.
1856 – Blavatsky initiated by Illuminatus Mazzini into Carbonarism, a form of Freemasonry, illumined by the Great White Lodge in 1856. This was part of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
The date may only refer to the establishment of the Great White Lodge.In the 1870 - Blavatsky went to America and mets a journalist, lawyer and agricultural expert called Henry Steel Olcott. Together they produced a work called Isis Unveiled. The work proved popular and stimulated interested in ancient mysteries.
Blavatsky wrote that all religions were both true in their inner teachings and problematic or imperfect in their external conventional manifestations. Interesting to compare her words with Jesus' (Luke 11:39). If religions were eggs, looks like Blavatsky was intent on cracking all of them and putting them in one bowl.On the subject of reptilians I don't know anything but in the early days of Wikipedia I found an article on something called Lemurians. The article was quickly removed but it reminded me of pictures I had once seen in a library, in a big book about dinosaurs. The picture was of a dinosaur man, green with cats eye alongside the brontosaurus and tyranosaurus rex etc. The dinosaur man had come from Mars. I rememer thinking 'oh good grief is that their little green man from Mars.' How very Leprechaun.
Incidentally in UK in the churches - if you look up into the ceiling you will see stone carved faces with leaves coming out of the mouths. These are the 'green men'.
And if you want my JW version of life on Mars...welcome to Chelmsford.
Steve Hassan - politics as a cult
by Anna Marina insee this video at 2:58. sanity4sweden explains that 'cult expert' steve hassan was on cnn giving advice on how to deprogram trump supporters..
so this must be political correctness on steroids.. i have occasionally heard the name steve hassan mentioned in relation to the watchtower.
but even watchtower helps people to escape cults.
Anna Marina
Getting people to 'wait in Jehovah' or 'park' their complaints against the GB is a tactic used by Watchtower to keep people in organisation.
This Bitchute video deals with QAnon and how trust was manipulated. It is an old trick - the presenter speaks about hope being misused. He calls his 'hopium'. :)
In this second Bitchute video, the presenter talks about a Labour Coucillor called Simon Parkes who has something to do with QAnon. Despite being wrong over and over again, this man is getting lots of followers. Watchtower has competition!
So on one side we have Simon, his alien mother and QAnon, in the other Steve Hassan trying to make a living and sell books. Boy what a pavlova.